Hal ayam kilman yabi yesma3 qe9at 7ub maybe to help them believe that it can happen, or so that they don’t give up on their own stories, or maybe just for fun who knows.. Anyways bas kint 7adi bored oo wedi a6ale3 how I feel fa gelt akteb my story..
NOTE: the names and places aren’t real, they are just
cover-ups and similar to the real thing.
Chapter One
How it first started
My name is Noura & to be honest, I have been through a lot of relationships. And each one kept on getting worse when I was about to give up on love I met him.How it first started
His name is 3abdalla. The story about him is kinda funny. After I broke up with my ex bf eli esma 3abdalla as well, I was around 16 years old, searching for someone who can make me forget about him. I needed someone else! I was in pain, crying over him, u know puppy love ;p so I added a couple of emails to my msn messenger. but the first one I added was something to do with the name 3abdalla and the same muwaleed of my ex. Because I thought I wanted a guy like him ;p so the minute I added him, he came online! I was like uh ooohhh!! Wat am I gonna say? i wasnt prepared! So he came popped up and said:
3abdalla: “hi mnu ?”
Noura: “ hala 3aboood shloonik!? Shfeek ana nouro.”
3abdalla: “ay nouro?”
Noura: “testa3bi6 weya rasik ;p il7een badeglik”
3abdalla: “ok..”
Noura: “abaaay! Sorry sawait add 7ag the wrong email! Asfeen 3al ez3aj”
(khoush excuse ;p I was 16 remember ;p)
3abdalla: “laa 3adi shda3wa”
-10 minutes later.
Noura: “u can block me tara ;p”
3abdalla: “la 3adi shda3wa ;p”
Noura: “oh okay so akhaleek ? ;p”
3abdalla: “kayfich ;p”
So after that conversation we became friends but he pissed me off a lot because he typed sooo slow!!!
Days passed by I started ignoring him a lot more, I was on msn messenger from my cell phone when I received a text msj from him saying:
3abdalla: “alooooo”
I ignored, and he kept sending me more.
3abdalla: “u there?????”
3abdalla: “waynich!?”
3abdalla: “alooooooooooooo”
3abdalla: “byeeee”
then another text from msn came up and said to block this email from sending u msjs reply with the letter b.
so I replied with the letter b. when another text from him saying:
3abdalla: “B?”
I was sooo shocked! Thank god he wasn’t used to msn chat from cell phones!! So I said:
Noura: “Baack”
3abdalla: “ohh welcome back waynich?”
and the conversation went on. I pictures this guy some lame loser who has nothing better to do than talk to me so I started asking him questions about how old he was, what grade hes in and what school he went to until I asked him if I could borrow his yearbook because me and my friends have been wanting to see it since we weren’t close with anyone in that school. So he was like yea sure when do u want it? I was like tomorrow. Me thinking hes a stupid loser who cares ;p so he asks me ok where do I drop it off? I say at my place. I give him the address and then he goes ok when im outside your house how do I tell u? which means he needed my number ;p so I asked him to ring the bell no problem. He says no that’s embarrassing so I end up giving a stranger my number ;p
Tomorrow comes when I receive texts msjs from him:
“hey, meta tabeen age6 il yearbook 3endich?”
“kayfik 3adi, ana now 6al3a so mo il7een ba3ad shway”
“khalas ok ana 3end rfeeji il7een goleeli lama itkhal9een.”
An hour passes by and I text him.
“il7een ayey?”
“eee ta3al”
15 minutes pass by.
“yala ana bil 3dailiya”
“laaa 3abdalla sorry mo il7een ana bil 9aloon now”
“ohh okaay, 3ayal baroo7 bayt rfeeji bil 3dailiya lama itkhal9een msj me”
I was treating him like he was a loser so I didn’t really care if I was bugging him, I used to be kinda rude I know.
“ok yala ta3al khalast”
“ok yala ana bara baytkum”
“laa 9a7 nesayt lagoolik ta3al starbucks ana hnak now”
I waiting for 5 minutes to see three guys walking this way. One guy caught my eye, from the minute I saw him I knew he was the one for me. When I get disturbed by hearing my sister screaaaaaam! Im like what what? She goes those guys were with me in summer school! The guy in the middle is the mini wahaaab! I go noooo!!! She goes yesssssss!!! (by the way wahab is a guy I had a MAJOR crush on and by the phrase mini wahab she meant the guy with her in summer school who looks exactly like wahab, she was guessing they are brothers.) but still we had no clue. Till that time I didn’t know what 3abdallas family name was. So I didn’t know a thing about him except that he looked exactly like wahab.
They enter the door with one guy in a GAP sweatshirt and shorts, another one in a white polo t shirt and shorts, and the third in jeans and also a polo t shirt.
I sit quietly on one of the tables while my sister runs to the bathroom. I stare at each closely and im trying to guess which of them is 3abdalla. Then it hit me, the “Mini wahab” is the one holding the yearbook so of coarse hes him! He was the one in the white polo t shirt and beige shorts with nice wavy curly hair. Tanned not so tall though ;p about my height but still soooooooo hottt!!
He looked exactly like wahab! But even hotter!! I couldn’t imagine how this time my luck was finally here! I was soo happy never been that way ever! So he gave the yearbook to the worker and pointed to our side and left starbucks.
I open the yearbook on a page where one picture is cut out. When I read the name under it said 3abdalla il flanni which was wahabs family name! I flipped out and texted him the first thing I said to him was inta okho wahab!? He goes yeah shdarach it3arfeena? I go la bas asma3 3anna, teshbaha 7ayl that’s all ;p
Days passed by we were getting along fine. We talked on the phone every night laughing and chatting while watching star academy ;p ( yeaaaars ago remember that ;p ) And that’s how I met 3abdalla.
Next chapter soon to come.