Chapter Eleven
Stupid Mistakes
Stupid Mistakes
Me and 3abdallas friends were very close.. we went out every now and then kilina with 3abdalla.. they were all like my brothers! The closest friends to him were the closest ones to me which were 7amani and marzoug ..
Gabil la 3abdalla i6ale3 laisena kint amerhum ilfayer wen7oos wenroo7 sultan center nakil ice cream :P fa kint wayed merta7a weyahum maste7i minhum 3adi kina zayneen.. bas fee wa7ed min rabe3hum which is marzougo hes kind of a flirt. He was known in his school as the player he was good looking fa ga9 3ala kil ilbanat.. bas I still luved him as a brother because he made me laugh ;p and plus hes one of 3abdallas oldest friends since they were in middle school..
Fa kan ako times ne6la3 ilfayer me and marzougo and 7amani oo sometimes other guys I don’t know very well.. wekoon 3abdalla nayim fa ma eyey weyana.. sometimes my sisters come along kilmara ghair :p
7amani usually drives and their friend 3ali sits yama , wana wara oo marzougo oo its usually 3abdalla bas this time 3abdalla mo weyana..
kint ga3da oo ekhti kanat weyana.. wela ma ashoof ila marzoug 7a6 his arm on my shoulder.. gelt 6af maybe mo gha9da shay oo I was talking to 7amani ka2ana ma9ar shay 3adi.. we were racing one of their friends which was fun.. wela ma ashoof ila egareb marzougo! Oo eeda 3ala my leg! Okay now im like wtf! Fa I slowly go to the window side and he slowly comes! I was so pissed shlon ga3ed esawi chethi! Im his best friends girlfriend mayeste7i :S then he came closer to me and stuck his face to mine he tried to kiss me I pushed him away getla bas !
he finally moved away getlihum yala im tired oo radayt home.. the next morning gelt 7ag 3abdalla ina I missed him oo I wish he was there, I didn’t tell him exactly what happened bas 3a6ayta naqza ina marzougo went pass the friendship line. Fa 3abdalla started staying up to come with us.
(so this was all gabil la 3abdalla e6ale3 laisena)
but now haman marzoug 6ala3 his laisan but I don’t have one yet.
so marzoug was acting all better since that day he never crossed the line again..i though it was because he learned his lesson, bas 6ela3 it wasn’t. 6ela3 its because we never went out me and him without 3abood.
he called me one day he was bored so was I gali bemerni insolef about stuff getla yeah sure okay.
So he came to pick me up we started talking about his love life and how he has no one now blah blah blah, getla a36eek one week u wont be single ;p chan yeth7ak ;p he asked me how everything was with 3abdalla, getla more than great wala .. getla how lucky I was to find someone like him.. charming, honest, loving, kind, mashala kilshay feeh zayn! He laughed, then he started asking questions about what me and 3abdalla do together in private, getla its none of his business then he started getting flirty again! I don’t know why but I felt kind of scared.. he started getting closer! And holding my hand .. I started telling him bas bas bas morathi he gives up! He kissed me! And I told him to stop it! Gali 3abdalla mara7 yadri getla mo 3an getla bas ma abi ana! He kept pressuring me :S until I gave up :s he told me 3abdalla mara7 yadri latgoleenla shay getla ok.. wa9alni home I jumped on my bed and started cryiiiinng! How could I do this to 3abdalla!? Hes been nothing but honest with me! I love him too death!!! And I know he loves me too! I cant ignore this like it never happened! It did happen! I should have did something about it !

Noura: “3abdalla :(”
3abdalla: “shfeech 7ubi?”
Noura: “:’’’’’’’((((((”
3abdalla: “shfeeech lat5ar3eeeni chethi !”
Noura: “I did something really bad! And u may never speak to me again! :(”
3abdalla: “laaa shda3wa goleeli shfeech!”
Noura: “I kissed marzoug :S im sorrrrrrrrryyy ! I couldn’t keep this from u.. I would understand if u never wanna talk to me again bas u have to know its because I love ina I had to tell u! he pressured me wala 3abdalla ! I didn’t want to! Ur the one I want! Im sorryyy”
3abdalla: “aha ok”
Noura: “3abdalla wala sorry, lo ma7ebik chan khashayt minik! Bas magedart! U mean the world to me! I feel worse than u feel malyon mara”
3abdalla: “if I kissed ur friend how would u feel? Would u think I love u?”
Noura: “its not like that! U know marzoug ohwa wayed flirt oo eqa9ib ilwa7ed!”
3abdalla: “aah fa mat3arfeen itwakhreena? Oo etdezeena ? aw etdegeen 3alay? Lama banat min our school egoloonli 3abdalla ge6ni ilbayt aw deg 3alay oo ya36oni naqzat ildenya, ana agoluhum la! La2ana ana 3endi wa7da amoot feeha! Bas ehya shakilha matmoot feeni”
Noura: “u know that’s not true! Amooot feek oo akthar ba3ad wala 3abdalla sorry inas yaqle6oon sometimes I panicked I didn’t know what to do! Im sorry walaaa”
3abdalla: “im not enough for u, u had to go kiss my friend”
Noura: “:’( im sorrrryyy wala I wish u’d understand my place in this!”
3abdalla: “khalas akalmich later”
Noura: “I love u.”
As I layed on the bed thinking to myself what an idiot I was. I may never find a guy like this again! I ruined it! And if he does he will never trust me again! I don’t know what I’d do without him, hes everything to me and more!
The next morning 3abdalla went to school and saw marzoug there. Marzoug didn’t know that I told 3abdalla.. so 3abdalla went up to marzoug and told him ams shsawayt weya nouro? Marzoug goes nothing laysh.. 3abdalla goes etchatheb ba3ad! And pushed him on the wall screaming shsawayt ma3a nouro!!!!!? Marzoug il ghabi goes wala nothing!!!!! 3abdalla started shouting in the hallway until marzoug confessed. 3abdalla was very pissed makint abi a2atheeh wadezla any msj so I didn’t, I waited and waited and waited……
3abdalla: “I cant do this”
Noura: “:\ do what!!?”
3abdalla: “I cant live without u ;s ”
Noura: “:( mee tooo!”
3abdalla: “I thought to myself 3an kilshay! And I understand that people make mistakes and I know how marzoug can be with girls.. but I still think u should have done something bas ba9ik hal salfa mabi asma3 3an hal mawthoo3 again oo ma abeeha ten3ad”
Noura: “inshallllaaaaa… a7ebik tadri ?”
3abdalla: “9adgeeni ana akthar”
in life people make stupid decisions, they don’t think right, then later on they wish they can take it back and erase it forever.. I know u all may think im such a bitch right after reading this post bas 9adgooni I was stupid and young and makint adri how valuable this man was. And how theres no one in this world as half as good of a man as 3abdalla is.