Friday, January 30, 2009

Chapter Five: New Years Eve.

Chapter Five
New Years Eve

Me and 3abdalla were doing great, another 2 months passed by and we were still together. So over all 10 months. I was madly in love with him! I loved the way he talked, the way he made me laugh, the way he said my name, and even the way he likes to 6aferni ;p the cute thing about him was his voice ;p waaayed khashin! Lay darajat ina ba3th il marat 9a3eb nefhema! ;p ako salfa 9arat et’tha7ik 3an 9oota ;p marah ohwa kan 3endina, oo kina ga3deen ana weyah oo khawati oo his friend oo my friend. Fa kan ga3ed e7achi ekhti, ga3ed yes2alha 3an shay.. I think il movie ili re7nala ana weyaha, fa ga3ed yes2alha:

3abdalla: “7ilo?” (weya 9ooota il ghareeeb ;p)

Dalal: “Haa?” (3abalha ga3ed egoolaha aloo ;p)

3abdalla: “7iloooo?”

Dalal: “Haaaa?”

3abdalla: “7ilooooooo!!???” (3alah 9oota)

Dalal just turned around oo left ;p cuz mehya gadra tefhema ;p ana tha7akt the7ik ;p

The thing 3abdalla likes to do the most is to 6aferni! He loooovesss that!! Whenever he finds a way that he can, seeeeda he does it! Mathalan lama i
nkoon bil sayara ohwa yadri ana akhaf lama a7ad esoog feeni we6ig ra9eeef 9oobi, fa edoooos we6ig ra9eef bas ma ye93ad kila bas ne9! Ya3ni 9oobi ana foog il ra9eef oo 9ooba 3al share3, oo yamshi 6ool il moda chethi! Lay akher ilshare3! Enarfiiz! Fa ana a3a9ib wa7gera! Ba3dayn egooli ana asif ;p oo magdar az3al so ath7ak ;p or like JAD INARFIZ lama egooli ina ohwa e3aref kilshay! Ag3ad 3ala a39abi! Kila egool:

3abdalla: “ilnas kilhum wedhum e9eeroon mithli bas mara7 e9eroon”

Noura: “la wala? Layshh “

3abdalla: “la2ana ana a3aref kilshay ! mako wela shay ma3arfa!”

Noura: “way3 bas!”

3abdalla: “La 9ij! Ya3ni se2leeni ay shay!”

Noura: “mabi eskit!”

3abdala: “hahaha, laysh 3a9abtay ? me7tara ? ;p wedich itkoneen mithli 9a7 ? sorry bas mara7 e9eer hal shay “

Noura: “ana mara7 atkalam”

3abdalla: “za3altay ? ;p”

Noura: “nope”

3abdalla: “ana asif ;p”

mushkilllaaaaaa hal walad wayha! Ib dgeee
ga ekhaleeeni atnarfaz oo ib dgeeega ekhaleeni ath7ak ;p e3arefli 3adil!

*On New Years Eve I msjed him.

Noura: “Ha waynik ?”

3abdalla: “Shalay, u?”

Noura: “Home, Shetsawi?”

3abdalla: “Mako ga3ed u?”

Noura: “Same, shbetsawi ilyoom ?”

3abdalla: “Mako bag3ad bil shalay, laysh ?

Noura: “la bas as2al” (ana im pissed shway, kan wedi egooli yabi eshoofni ib new years ;p)

Then I msjed his friend Marzoog.

Noura: “Marzooooog!”

Marzoog: “Haalaa? Shfeech ?

Noura: “Metnarfiza kan wedi ina 3abdalla egooli yabi eshoofni ib new years bas magali wayyy3!”

Marzoog: “oo laysh intay matgoleenla? Mo lazem ohwa kila egool.”

Noura: “laa ma7eb mafrooth ohwa e3aref hal shay tharoori ya3ni.”

Marzoog: “shda3wa tharoori? Laysh bas 3ashan new years?”

Noura: “EEE! New years kiss !”

Marzoog: “ aaahh ! heeheheh”

(An Hour later)

3abdalla: “Bashoofich ilyoom”

Noura: “lool, marzoogoo galik :p”

3abdalla: “Laysh intay magel

Noura: “la2ana mafrooth it3aref hal shay madrii”

3abdalla: “laa ma3aref ana hal suwalef, intay goleeli ay shay tabeena, mo tasketeen”

Noura: “ok, I want u to be my new years kiss :$ ;p”

3abdalla: “Lol, okay ya3ni ilsa3a cham ayeelich ? oo wayn ? ”

Noura: “ana oo Shahood ekhti benroo7 hilton ta3ali minak, egreeb min ilshalay shway”

3abdalla: “khalas ok ya3ni ayeelich before 12?”

Noura: “ee, bas lazem at 12 itkoon weyay ;p”

3abdalla: “ok ayeelich 11:30”

Noura: “k ;*”

3abdalla: “oo mafrooth inboos lama ga3ed e3edoon or shnu?”

Noura: “la, lama egooloon 10, 9, 8.. lama yo9al 3end 1! We9eer 12 oclock inboos ;p”

3abdalla: “aaah okay! ;*** yala ashoofich tonight”

(11:30 PM)
Me and shahood are in starbucks ga3deen, im waiting for 3abdalla hes on the way.

He arrives, and I go sit with him in his c
ar bil parking lot. He came with marzoog and marzoog 6ela3 yetmasha. Fa ga3deen ensolif 3adi, khali9aw ilsuwalef and were just sitting there ;p so tempted to kiss! im waiting for the clock to be 12 damn it! The radio was on 99.7 im waiting for he countdown.. 9ara7 11:59!! Wela 3abdalla just kisses me before the countdown ;p atleast lama 9arat 12 we were still kissing ;p I laughed cuz he couldn’t wait one minute!! ;p chan egooli happy new yeaaar ;p wela inshoof nas ajanib emeroon 9oobna kilman labis those party hats weya e3yalhum oo chethi, so 3abdalla fach dereeshta wegoluhum happy newwwww yeaaar oo ga3ed yeth7ak ;p wegooluhum why r u leaving so early? Its new yearrs!! Oo ga3ed esolif weyahum hal khibil ;p chan shahood tyey ana nezalt min il car chan yanzil weyay wesalim 3ala shahood wegoolaha happy new year. I hugged him and kissed him goodbye and headed home.

That was the one and only new year that I loved that much. Not knowing what was going to happen later ;s.


Anonymous said...

NICE !! I cant wait until u poast the other chapter. 3ajeeb wala ! WAIID indemajdt ;p !!

Noura said...

i posted wayed other chapters ! ur just on 5 :Pi have till 11 right now ;P keep reading hehe

Cupid ;* said...

nooo i really hope it's nothing bad please:s I have a feeling ina this is too good to be true:(

Noura said...

haha keep reading ;p