Monday, January 26, 2009

Chapter Three: What Is Love?

Chapter Three
What is love?

A couple of months pass by and there we are, still holding on, strong, confident and growing. The day of his life comes! When he gets his laisan ;p he turned 18!! How happy was he ? well extremely! Its not like he didn’t used to drive before, bas ham he was happy! So he went to get his laisan, lama ra7 kan ako cham mushkila bas 7alhum. So lama khalas dazli msj.

3abdalla: “LAIIISAAAAAN ;p”

Noura: “ Mabrooook! Akheeran ha!?”

3abdalla: “7ADA! Il7een mo lazem itbogeen ilsayara wetmereena! ;p”

Noura: “Lol, eee bas ham wanasa!”

3abdalla: “Americh?”

Noura: “Okay, Meta?”

3abdalla: “Now.”

Noura: “Yala abadil dgayeg”

(20 mins later)

3abdalla: “Ana bara”

Noura: “Coming”

We sit and solef bil car while he shows me his laisan. I think his picture is adorable while he thinks it sucks ;p Since it was his birthday I bought him something and made him a card. ;p ana min noo3 ili a7eb ashteri hadaya oo akhalee shakilhum ekoon 7ilo oo eshaweg.. fa kila lazem ashteri ashya2 wa7e6hum ib goo6i oo wrapping paper.. ma7eb the bags its not fun to open ;p I like to rip my gift like when I was a kid, so I usually choose cute wrapping paper mal yahal ;p oo I made him this card that I wrote all the things that describe him best, with some of his pictures on it too ;p I took the card to the place to be laminated oo sawayta kebeeer ;p lama 3a6aiita estanaaaassss ;p I still have a copy of his card on my computer till this day.

3abdalla was the kind of guy who was very secretive and kept all his feelings and thoughts to his self, while I told him everything. Its been 8 months and were going great. He mentioned to me that all his previous relationship only lasted like max 3 months. Fa ya3ni kan shay zayn ina were still together. After 8 months he finally told me he loved me, and I said it back. We never rushed into things we kept everything casual and slow. Kilshay ib wagta 7ilo !

On one boring night with me laying down at home he texted me.

3abdalla: “et7ebeeni?”

Noura: “shrayek?”

3abdalla: “Madri wala golay”

Noura: “La ma7ebik 3abdalla”

3abdalla: “:S”


3abdalla: “;*************************************************** ”

Noura: "hehe, inta et7ebni ?”

3abdalla: “7aaaaaayyyyyylllll wala!”

Noura: “ashwa, inzayn agoool, ako carnival next weekend ana baroo7, plz come! Besawoona bil she3ib.”

3abdalla: “intay tadreeen ana ma7eb hal suwalef, itha carnival madresatna maroo7;s”

Noura: “ee yala 3adi, ana lazem aroo7, and it wouldn’t be fun if u don’t come ;s”

3abdalla: “3ashanich bas”

Noura: “Yaaaay! (K) , bacher age6lukum tickets, bas goli cham wa7ed? Inta oo 7amani, marzoog oo ba3ad?”

3abdalla: “ummm, bacher agoolich ba3ad mnu beyey”

Noura: “ok ;**”

(Three days later)

I went with the driver to drop the tickets 3endihum. Kanaw 7. Makan 3ajba bas 7anayt foog rasa ;p and the day of the carnival came. There he was ! The most sexiest thing I’ve ever seen before! His navy shorts with a long sleeve polo shirt with his chmoom pulled up. ADORABLE! I just wanted to hug him! But we all know that is not happening ;p just the fact that he came made me happy, la2ana I know shkither yekraaaah hal suwalef bas ham ya. While we were in the food court he was there too, metsanid 3al 6oofa weya hal tha7ka ib wayha ka2ana mestanis oo meste7ii ;p hal wayh lo shnu ma ansah.

When people ask me, what is love? I say: that face he does when he sees me in public. The way he always asks before he calls even though he knows im always fathya for him. The cute msjs he sends me. The way he touches my hand. He remembers our anniversary and my birthday until THIS DAY! The way that I will never feel towards someone else. That is what I call love. And in this case, it may seem hard to believe but it was love at first sight.


Anonymous said...

thats so cute!
u guys are adorable ;*

Anonymous said...

very very cute! how long have u guys been together?

Noura said...

Thank you both!
You wait and see :D

Anonymous said...

Ambaaaih zouqa!!! yallaah nabi chapter four :p!

Noura said...

yala sooon inshala ;)